Evaluated Midterm WPST



  1. Texting is generally the medium of choice for today’s students as they attempt to maintain contact with each other throughout the day. Unfortunately, some users do not demonstrate restraint when choosing to text and do so when driving.  Should texting and driving be made illegal in much the same manner as drinking and driving?


I do not think that texting while driving should be viewed the same as      drinking while driving under the law. Although texting is dangerous and there should be a punishment, I do not that it should be the same as drinking and driving. Several reasons why texting shouldn’t have those severe of consequence is one has more control while texting than drunk, important   messages sometimes call for a quick response, and the punishment should be no more than a speeding ticket.

My first reason is that people have more control over their body while        texting while driving. Drinking and texting are two completely different things impaired, and not focused, after all my body isn’t limp to the point I would want to pass out or fall asleep behind the wheel. While drunk and one pulls up to a stop sign they may not even stop, but to someone attempting to send a message, this is the perfect opportunity. Stop signs and stoplights give drivers a 4-5  second window where they can send a message safely. Which according to the National highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is exactly how long driver take their eyes off the road to send a message.

Another important factor that has an impact in this argument is the importance of the text message/email. Texting is one of the chief means of communication today, so if a parent or close friend sends me a message and I don’t reply or at least read the message they may get worried.  Especially in family matters such as a death in the family, one is expected to reply quickly. Also, many of the messages I get may apply to work or school, which means I don’t have to type anything, only read.

Last but not certainty not least is my argument for the punishment while texting and driving. We can all agree that texting and driving is dangerous and no one should do it under any circumstance. In my experiences texting while driving, it brought me to a higher state of alertness. Knowing that part of my attention was somewhere else made me extra cautious, looking up after every word or maybe typing without looking then at the end of my   message correct all the mistakes. But because of this heightened awareness I feel that a ticket for texting should be equivalent to a parking ticket or a speeding ticket. Texting is not as dangerous as drinking but certainty an infraction that should be dealt with. NHTSA says that texting while driving is equivalent to drinking 4 beers I’m not sure about you  but after four beers I can walk fine.


In conclusion, I feel that texting while driving isn’t as dangerous as drinking and driving _____ thus shouldn’t be considered the same under the law.                  Supporting statements I have are you have more control over the wheel while          texting, and texting brings another level of alertness while behind the wheel.

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